15 Nov 24
Bexley Foodbank would like to thank the following
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In no particular order! All schools and churches who kindly donated to us over Christmas. Thanks to Stanmores Donation Ceramics ADM Coca Cola Alice kitchens Daisy and all involved in Christmas meals Crayford Churches together RCCG Crayford Oliver gave 8 families a wonderful surprise !! Tesco Welling & Sidcup Asda-Broadway & Crook log Sainsburys Bexleyheath […]
28 May 18
Data Privacy Statement
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Under the new General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR], which forms part of the regime in the UK, together with the new Data Protection Act 2018, Bexley Foodbank is obliged to announce the following Data Privacy Statement to all its clients, employees and volunteers: The Foodbank keeps data about clients in a secure database. This means […]
27 Mar 18
Disability Rights UK & Help With Council Tax
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Disability Rights UK is an organisation that is led by people with diverse experiences of disability and health conditions who are from all different communities. DR UK works with other organisations which are committed to equal participation for all and campaigns to strengthen and protect disabled people’s rights. DR UK offers various levels of support […]